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ladbrokes立博中文版 works in an interdisciplinary and interdivisional fashion to offer opportunities that educate, 通知, 参与, and empower our students and broader community about civic 参与ment. We encourage all members of the community to be actively 参与d in their local, 区域和全球社区. BSU 参与s and educates students and the community on the importance of democratic 参与ment, 公民学习, 以及当地的公民参与和社区领导, 州级和国家级.

公民参与 is working to make a difference in the civic life of our communities and developing the combination of knowledge, 技能, 价值观和动机去改变. 它意味着提高一个社区的生活质量, 通过政治和非政治进程.

A person in a BSU sweatshirt holding a letter board that says VOTE
The 参与ment of citizens in public life and in 政府 through political institutions, 组织及活动.
Dr. Castagna Lacet leading a discussion in her community organization class
人们发展知识的过程, 技能 and commitments to interact effectively with fellow community members to address shared problems.
Five student leaders smile for the camera at the BSU involvement fair.
Individuals and groups taking political and nonpolitical actions to support their community.


An approach to better understand the United States democratic experience from the early days of independence to the present.

Using short examples of events, personalities, documents, controversies and trivia, 简单的公民 is designed to explain American politics and 政府 in a way that is clear, 简洁、健谈. 简单的公民 is part of ladbrokes立博中文版’s commitment to civic education and civic 参与ment at a time when it is vitally important that citizens have a working knowledge and appreciation of the values, the vision and the policies that form the foundation of our democratic system.


Authored By 迈克尔Kryzanek, Professor Emeritus of Political Science. 

他在政治科学系的时候, he was the longest serving chairperson and helped launch the Master of Public Administration program. 2015年离开该部门后. Kryzanek was appointed the Executive Director of the Minnock Center for International Engagement with responsibility for expanding the university’s global presence. 2016-2019博士. Kryzanek was the Academic Director in the Public Management Institute for the U.S. State Department’s Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) that brought 25 Fellows to the campus as Mandela Fellows. 他继续担任该项目的顾问.

目前,博士. Kryzanek is participating in Bridgewater State’s Senior College where he teaches courses on American politics and 政府. Dr. 克雷扎内克获得了博士学位.1975年从马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校获得博士学位. 他著有八本关于美国经济的书.S. 外交政策,美国政府和比较政治学. 他最近的一本书是和他的女儿Dr. Ann Karreth是 25 Issues That Shape American Politics: Debates, Differences and Divisions. Dr. Kryzanek是Fr. Bill 's和Mainspring, the largest homeless organization on the South Shore and 总统 of the Rotary Club of the Bridgewaters. 他和妻子卡罗尔住在惠特曼. 他们有三个女儿和五个孙子.

律师George E.C. 海耶斯,瑟古德·马歇尔和詹姆斯·M. 小Nabrit.在美国以外的地方庆祝.S. 最高法院,华盛顿特区.C.在法院对布朗v. Board of Education that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, May 17, 1954. 美联社图片

A look at some of the Supreme Court decisions that have shaped policy in the United States.

A map of the United States, showing the electoral votes allocated to each state
Deciphering the Electoral College, the system that elects the United States president.
一群人聚集在约翰·A前面. Wilson building, holding signs and flags in support of immigration reform
A brief look at the immigration crisis and the clashing philosophies surrounding it.
U.S. 乔·拜登总统在椭圆形办公室演唱一项法案
An overview of the powers and responsibilities of the office of the 总统.
An overview of the establishment clause of the First Amendment and its role in American politics.
华盛顿渡特拉华河, by Emanuel Leutze - George Washington is rowed across the icy Delaware River in the early morning of December 26, 1776
There has been much written about the events and personalities of 1776 — some fact, 一些神话, 一些传说.
Votes for Women cartoon from 1912 Bridgewater Normal School yearbook
Women have struggled to gain their right to cast ballots and have their voice heard in the political arena. Let’s take a look at this struggle for women and voting, often termed suffrage.